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What You Need to Know About Recruiting Generation Z
Just as we were getting used to the Millennial way of life, a new generation—Generation Z— is set to enter the workforce en masse this year.
While there is no agreed-upon age range for Generation Z, they are generally considered the people born in the mid-1990s through the mid-2000s. This means many of them recently graduated from college or are about to in the next couple of years. They are more populous than the previous Millennial generation and are expected to make up approximately 40 percent of the workforce by 2020.
While Generation Z shares many similarities with their predecessors, there are a few things you need to be aware of when recruiting this new generation of workers.
They’re an Anxious Generation
Every generation brings new talents, innovation and expectations to the workplace, but the new generation is bringing something else to the table: mental health. Generation Z is said to be the most anxious generation in history. According to the American Psychological Society, 54 percent of young workers report feeling anxious or nervous. Millennials follow behind them with 40 percent of workers claiming the same feelings.
There are a lot of theories why reports of anxiety have risen, from cell phones taking away face-to-face interaction while also causing too much connectivity to over-expectant parents. However, it is also believed this generation has made a push to simply be more open about mental health. Whatever the reason, members of Generation Z consider mental health to be an important topic and expect their employers to feel the same way.
They Know What They Want
Members of the new generation know what they’re looking for in an employer and will leave a job if they aren’t satisfied, no matter what they’re paid.
Generation Z is an ambitious group. They are always wanting to hone their skills and aspire to leadership roles. Because of this, young workers want supportive leadership to help guide them. For them, this means continuous and real-time feedback. Remember, this is the first generation to grow up with the Internet and smartphones. They are used to instantaneous communication and expect it in real life, not just online. However, despite being an online generation, they value face-to-face communication.
Above all, the members Gen Z value trust in the workplace. When it comes to management, they expect to be empowered, not micromanaged. They want guidance, but only enough to get them started on a project or when they get stuck. They also want to be able to trust the business practices of the company they work for. This generation expects ethical business practices and to see inclusion and equality practices in place.
The most important thing to know is 73 percent of members of Generation Z will leave a job that doesn’t meet their expectations, so if you’re interested in recruiting a new generation to bring your company into the future, you will have to adjust to their standards.
They Do Their Research
Generation Z is the first to have the Internet fully integrated into their daily lives almost from day one. They are experts in online research and that applies to their job searches as well. When approaching a Gen Z-er with an offer, take into consideration that they will not take your word at face value and will need to do their own research.
Approximately 70 percent of members of Gen Z look to social media reviews about a company before making a decision, so it is essential for employers to have a positive brand. If there is something negative out about your company out there, a Gen Z-er will find it so keeping your employer brand strong is more important than ever before.
They Are Not Millennials
Gen Z-ers are expected to be better behaved, less self-indulgent, more pragmatic, more money-conscious and more entrepreneurial than Millennials, but that’s not where the differences stop. Even though Generation Z members prefer face-to-face communication, because they have grown up with digital communications they may lack common soft communication skills that their Millennial predecessors possess.
What makes Generation Z truly different from Millennials is they value their independence more and don’t prefer open offices, despite preferring face-to-face communication. They crave independence and prefer to work alone.
If you're ready to take on the challenge of recruiting Generation Z, it’s time to adjust the recruitment strategies you may have just gotten used to. It’s important to be flexible and learn about their habits, especially their online habits. Without having a strong, reliable website, you may lose the attention and therefore unique skills of Gen Z workers.
Recruiters Websites is a website development and marketing company with a mission of helping recruiters develop a stronger online presence. To better your relationship with the new generation, you need a website they can trust and you need a partner you can rely on. If you’re interested in creating a new digital strategy, contact Recruiters Websites today.
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