Insights from Recruiters Websites

Recruiting as Told by Shark Week

recruiting as told by shark week

It's the best time of the year again: Shark Week. This tradition of a week-long television event featuring shark-themed programming is in its thirty-first year. At this point, it's a national pastime that should be honored with a holiday in which none of us have to go to work.

Since my Shark Week Holiday dreams haven't come true quite yet, we are still at work and have decided to bring you your regularly scheduled blog post this week. However, we will be celebrating by sharing a bit of the spirit in this collection of memes specifically chosen to represent the recruiting process.

When you get a new client

The candidate who applies vs. the candidate you need

shark week recruiting

Offering a candidate a new opportunity

When you don’t hear back from a candidate

Before the interview

After the interview

When the candidate receives a counteroffer

shark week recruiting

Saving your candidate from a counteroffer

shark week recruiting

Making the placement

recruiting sharks

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Cole Windler

Cole Windler is a copywriter and SEO expert. He uses his creative writing background to create fresh, compelling and customized content for Recruiters Websites clients.

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