Insights from Recruiters Websites

Complete your branding: Update social when you launch a new website

You went through the hard work of creating a new website, but now it's time to update your social media branding to match your new site.

You went through the hard work of creating a new website, perfecting each line of copy and every single image. It’s now time to launch this site to the public, and see those leads flood in! But wait, have you updated your social media branding to match your new site?

Chances are, the answer is no. Building the website was hard enough, and now you have to go through all your social media sites and change everything? The bad news is that it absolutely needs to be done, and you shouldn’t skip this step; but the good news is, it’s easier than you think! 

Logo & Profile Images

If this website project included a new logo or brand redesign, it’s important to now have the new logo and brand colors represented. We, as humans, are visual creatures, and it’s been proven time and time again that logos are one of the most important visual elements for your brand. 

According to a recent report, 75 percent of those surveyed said logos are most recognizable, followed by visual style at 60 percent, brand colors at 45 percent and unique voice at 25 percent. Because of this, it’s key to update any logo changes and make sure the transition from old to new is made clear for your followers, clients and candidates.

Cover Images

All social media sites have some form of the cover image at the top of their profiles, and they should all match. This not only solidifies your social media branding as one solid unit, it also makes it easier for you to upload. 

There are many tools you can use to help you create and size your cover images for each platform. One of those tools is Canva, which has a free version available. With this tool, you can create one design and resize it with ease to fit whatever platforms you are on. Canva also has Brand Kits where you can house your logo(s), brand colors, brand fonts and any other brand specifics you or any member of your team might need when creating content for your company.

Quick social media image sizes

This image includes the social media image sizes you probably look up most often.

Social media image sizes 2024

Bios & Descriptions

Chances are, when you redesign your website, you didn’t keep every word you had on your old site. As updates are made to design and functionality, it only makes sense to have changes to your copy as well. Any new wording your company is using should be updated in your business descriptions and bios on social media platforms. 

Some platforms only have small amounts of room for you to tell visitors about your business, whereas others have several spots with nearly limitless character counts. Take advantage of these areas and share as much of that key messaging as possible. 

The goal is always to get followers on social media to leave that platform and visit your new website, so make sure there’s a call to action as well.

It’s exciting to launch a new website, but you shouldn’t get ahead of yourself. There’s a process that must be followed when it’s launch time just like there was a process when it was design time. The important thing is you don’t have to do this alone. Recruiters Websites is here to help not only design your new website but also update your social media branding and beyond. Let’s chat!

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Samantha Prost

Sam Prost is a digital content writer with almost 10 years of experience who uses her upbeat and creative energy to write fresh, fun and custom content for our clients.

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