Insights from Recruiters Websites
Benefits of Blogging for Recruiters
Blogging is an inexpensive way for recruiters to drive traffic to their site, enhance inbound marketing efforts and attract more potential clients and candidates. According to Hubspot, 80 percent of internet users interact with both social media sites and blogs, and companies with blogs produce an average of 67 percent more leads monthly than companies that don't blog. Believe it or not, the benefits don’t stop there.
Boost in Search Engine Optimization
All of the major search engines love fresh, relevant content, and blogging as recruiters is one of the most straightforward and inexpensive ways for a firm to accomplish this. When a recruiter creates blog posts consistently, they are constantly providing Google and other search engines with fresh content to index. According to DemandMetric, blogs can result in a 434 percent increase in indexed pages and a 97 percent increase in indexed links.
This is also an opportunity for recruiters to insert those relevant keywords that clients or candidates will use to search for their industry, job postings and available services, further increasing the chance that their firm’s website will show up in the results.
Drive Traffic to Your Website
A typical recruiting website has a handful of pages, including things like your expertise areas and services. Including the home page, a 5-7 page website is pretty common for most boutique recruiting firms. This doesn’t allow for a lot of opportunities for you to show up in search results. However, every time you create and publish a blog post for your recruiting firm, that is one more indexed page on your website, which means one more opportunity for you to show up in organic search results and drive traffic to your website in an organic way.
Long Term Results
Let’s say you sit down on Sunday night and, one hour later, you have written a blog. It got 100 views and one lead that day. On Monday, you get another 70 views and six leads, plus you see you have two new newsletter subscribers. Each day that blog is out there, you have the potential to gain new views, new leads, new placements. And this doesn’t stop. Since that post is now ranking, for days, weeks, months and years to come, you can continue to get ROI from that single blog post.
Establish Your Business as an Industry Expert
It doesn’t matter if you are an independent recruiter or have teams of hundreds, blogging is a good way for your firm to build trust and establish clout in your industry. By providing content that will be viewed as valuable, expert information, your potential clients or candidates get to see your knowledge as experience gained in your industry, further convincing them to work with you. Over time, regularly writing useful and informative blogs will make you the “go-to” leader within your particular niche, leading to more sales.
Connect People to our Brand
Brand awareness is an incredibly important element of marketing, and blog posting will allow you to show your followers a personal side of your business. You can open up your brand message and engage existing and potential clients in a way not possible through outbound marketing tools and techniques. Blogging can give others a deep understanding of your mission, standards, vision and personality as a firm.
Create Opportunities to Share
Blogging for your recruiting firm can also help you get discovered through social media. Every time you create a new article, you’re creating content that you or other people can share on social platforms, which helps expose your firm to a new audience that may not know of you yet. That blog can be repurposed in several ways online, making it a fantastic tool. It can serve as a social post, the topic of an email newsletter, a loose script for a webinar or podcast and beyond. You didn’t just write a blog post, you made a piece of long-term reusable content.
Before brushing off the idea of adding blogs to your marketing strategy, look at the big picture and your goals. Our marketing team at Recruiters Websites has the recruiting industry front-of-mind, and we know how to create lasting content with deep industry knowledge. Let’s chat!
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